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Replay “Inclusive Talent Management”





Karin Raguin (ISC Paris 96) a toujours été une femme de convictions. Résolument engagée pour son école, Karin a été Présidente de l'association ISC Paris Alumni et a été l'invitée d'une Masterclass ISC sur la parité au travail en octobre dernier. Merci à elle !


Découvrez ci-dessous le replay d'un talk qu'elle a réalisé pour les "Thought Leader Series" d'Executive Platforms sur le thème de l'inclusion. Ce talk est en anglais.


Karin Raguin (ISC Paris 96) has always been very concerned about gender parity and inclusion in general. 

Resolutely committed to her school, Karin has been President of the ISC Paris Alumni Association and was the guest speaker for an ISC masterclass on gender equality in the workplace last October. Thanks to her!

Discover below the replay of a talk she did for Executive Platforms' "Thought Leader Series" on the theme:


“Inclusive Talent Management”


  • Why is workplace inclusion important?
  • Sharing ways leadership can best integrate and encourage Diversity and Inclusion in organizations
  • Looking at how LVMH is evolving workplace culture to engage a new generation of talent
  • Understanding the changing dynamics of employees
  • How has the global pandemic impacted our efforts to integrate diversity and inclusion in our workforce?


Karin Raguin
VP of Talent Management & CSR
LVMH North America

Enabling people to shape their own career paths

This exciting proposition perfectly sums up my professional work. I began my own career in human relations – employee training and reconversion – and those formative years left an indelible impression on how I view Human Resources. I learned the importance of combatting discrimination. I witnessed the strength that some people gain from their fragile situations.

I have always had a taste for risk, complex and innovative environments. I feel very much at home at LVMH, which I joined in 2007. For the past 10 years, I have worked in the area of talent and career management while developing and leading in-house coaching and leadership programs (EllesVMH coaching and Women@Dior). Identifying and revealing people potential, showcasing their abilities and finding the right environment for them to move up within the company is very gratifying. The positive impact of helping others is a source of daily satisfaction.

What could be better than having the freedom to work creatively as part of a global luxury goods company that is such a high concentration of brilliant minds? The values of diversity and inclusion promoted by LVMH are consistent with my own views regarding equality and doing things the right way. My arrival in New York in 2019 was a wonderful cultural transition, since words turn quickly into actions here.

Motivated by the examples of high-profile women, e.g. Hannah Arendt or Michelle Obama to cite but two, I have had the good fortune to work with many inspirational talents. A member for the past 20 years of various associations and boards promoting gender equality and human rights, I continuously strive to break through glass ceilings and celebrate intersectional identities.”

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