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Pierre Melvil-Blanche (ISC 83) est nommé Business Transformation Strategy Vice President WW Global Customer Process Experience chez Dassault Systèmes




Pierre est promu à ce poste depuis janvier 2021. Félicitation à notre lauréat du Hall of Fame !


Son parcours :


I joined Dassault Systemes, the worldwide leader in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, in 2001 as a member of the General Management team of the EDS Consulting subsidiary (Dassault Data Services). 


From January 2007 to December 2008, I was in charge for Dassault Systèmes to develop the PLM business with our Large Accounts in South Europe (Benelux, France, Spain, Italy, Israel, Turkey) in manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries. Since January 2009, I'm managing the worldwide sales force for one of Dassault Systemes brand, CATIA. My areas of responsibility include sales, consulting & services, business development and business transformation. In 2017, for the first time, global revenue for CATIA exceed 1 billion Euro. Special achievement : integration of five sales organization in CATIA organization following acquisitions. Last one are SFE and MODELON Gmbh.


I have successful experiences in operational responsibilities in diverse environments in terms of industry and culture. My key area of strength and personal interest are in making strategy happen, i.e. turning strategy into efficient operations through a transformation journey (from designing the strategy to re-thinking operations/organization, creating a human journey and “building to last”). With a reputation for delivering and building great teams, I have spent most of my work experience on such challenge.


Formation :



International Executive Management Program 1993 and 1994 with Digital Equipment

Special Education Cycle for Digital Equipment Top Managers in Europe.


ISC Paris


 Regarder son témoignage du Hall of Fame ISC Paris Alumni 2014 :


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