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David Heller (ISC Paris 12) Enseignant Chercheur ISC Paris publie "The emergence of Start-ups" en collaboration avec 3 Alumni

Parcours de Diplômé



David Heller (ISC Paris 12) est Responsable des Masters Finance Grande Ecole - Enseignant Chercheur à l’ISC Paris

Il vient de publier un livre sur le financement des start-ups avec la collaboration de 3 jeunes Alumni de l'ISC Paris : Sylvain de Chadirac, Lana Halaoui et Camille Jouvet - promo Finance 2018. 

Ce livre publié en anglais aux Editions ISTE et Wiley donne de la visibilité et du rayonnement aux meilleurs travaux de recherche en Finance à l'ISC Paris.

"In France, the number of young start-ups has soared since the beginning of the 2010s, leading the government to encourage their development and make France the “start-up nation”.

This book contributes to a better understanding of the emergence of these companies by studying the influence of the ecosystem on their development and the modes of financing that they use. The financing of start-ups remains a major challenge insofar as they are often faced with refusal from the banks. Successful financing depends largely on the geopolitical and economic environment. Through a comparative study of models from both France and English-speaking countries, the authors explore possible financing solutions for France. The book concludes with a discussion of equity crowdfunding, which proves to be a successful financing alternative.

Including theoretical and empirical studies, this book provides concrete solutions aimed at developing innovative entrepreneurship in France."

Félicitations à nos 4 Alumni !

David Heller is a professor-researcher in finance and head of the Master’s course in Finance at ISC Paris, France.

Sylvain de Chadirac works in the start-up financing consultation market. He is the managing director of Paris Business Angels.

Lana Halaoui is preparing to start her own company after completing her Master’s degree at ISC Paris, France.

Camille Jouvet has undertaken several projects, such as the ISC Business Tour, aimed at boosting the ISC Paris alumni network internationally.


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