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Cola SAUER (ISC 2002) a été promu Head of Sales France et Benelux chez GAMELOFT




Cola illustre par un chiffre éloquent la puissance de sa société : "2.8 MILLION NEW GAMELOFT GAMES ARE DOWNLOADED EVERY DAY."


Son parcours :

2016-2017 : Head of sales France/Benelux - Gameloft

•          Development / Recruitment of Gameloft advertising solutions

•          Sales Organization and positionning / Pricing and Yield of the Saleshouse.

•          The Development of Benelux Market

•          Promote Synergies inside Vivendi Group/ the launch of Bundle offers with Canal+/Dailymotion

•          The commercialization of Gameloft advertising spaces ( Native / Display ) at advertising Agencies and announcers

2015-2016 : Senior Advertising Manager France & Benelux - Gameloft

2014 : Sales director – Laplee / Start-up for a Mobile app

2008-2013 : Senior sales manager - Iliad / Free

2006-2008 : Account manager - Lagardère Publicité

2003-2005 : Sales manager - Philip Morris International


Scan ISC : Cola faisait partie du BDA (Bureau des Arts) ISC Paris

En savoir plus sur Gameloft :

All Gameloft games are developed in-house. We have the largest development and creation team in the digital games industry: 5,000 developers work in our production studios, allowing us to tackle the formidable task of creating games compatible with devices all over the world. This includes over 7,000 different smartphone/tablet models, iOS and Android devices, and 350 feature phone models. Our 21 studios throughout America, Europe and Asia allow us to combine global vision with local approach. By taking advantage of this unparalleled cultural and linguistic diversity, we adapt our games to each market.

Toutes nos félicitations à Cola !


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