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Antoine RIPOCHE (ISC Paris 2002) est nommé General Manager France de Captify




Antoine a été nommé à ce poste en mars 2019. Félicitations !

Son parcours :

2019 : Captify - General Manager France

2015-2019 : YuMe - Country Manager France

2011-2015 : Makazi - Co founder & VP Sales

2009-2011 : MEC - Head of interaction / Board member

2007-2009 : Dentsu Aegis Network - Digital New Business Director

2003-2007 : Dentsu Aegis Network - Digital Account Director

2002-2003 : - Founder

Scan ISC :

A l’ISC Paris, Antoine était président du SALON DE L’IMAGINAIRE : First exhibition dedicated to online gaming and Manga. 15 K people on 3 days. Ce salon a hébergé la 1ère édition de ce qui deviendra la célèbre JAPAN EXPO, toujours co-dirigée aujourd’hui par Thomas SIRDEY (ISC Paris 02).

A propose de Captify :

Captify  powers decisions globally through Search Intelligence. Captify’s unique Semantic Technology analyses billions of searches to power insights and media across all channels and on every device. 

Captify’s actionable insights play a crucial role for brands and advertisers; revealing macro world trends, consumer interests... and deliver amazing media performances 

To date, Captify has raised $15 million in investment . In NYC, London, Paris, Madrid, Manchester and Kiev, a global team of 200+ are powering record company growth and disrupting the global ad tech scene.

More than 25 amazing people in Paris and still hiring

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