Alice Roussel (ISC 12) est promue EMEIA Production Opérations Manager chez Apple Londres
Alice intervient sur : iTunes Store, App Store, AppleMusic, iBooks. Sa mission consiste notamment :
- Manage a team of 6 Production Operations Techs (Munich, London, Madrid, Dubai)
- Work alongside international Creative Production and Editorial teams to help coordinate the Digital content management of the iTunes Store, App Store, Music and iBooks store
- Coordinate round-the-clock, in-region support across all Production and Editorial Content Management tools, to a variety of end-users/stakeholders
- Help understand Business teams requirements and needs
Elle était auparavant Featured Content Producer, toujours chez Apple.
Son parcours :
2015-2017 : Featured Content Producer - iTunes Store, App Store, Music, iBooks -Apple
2014-2015 : Digital Project Manager (London) - Global Radio
2013-2014 : Digital Project Manager (London) MerchantCantos
2012-2013 : Digital Project Manager, Entertainement (Paris) - Microsoft
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