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​Mathieu PLASSARD (ISC 95) est promu CEO d'Ogilvy Africa




Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide has announced changes in its leadership team at Ogilvy Africa.

Mathieu Plassard, currently the Ogilvy Africa Managing Director, has been confirmed as the new CEO, Ogilvy Africa, to lead the business across Sub-Saharan Africa.

An Ogilvy veteran having been in Paris with Ogilvy & Mather and formerly Ogilvy Action for 13 years, he also worked in Ogilvy Africa previously in the DRC for six months. Leading clients he has managed in Ogilvy Africa include Coca-Cola, Bharti Airtel, and Nestle.
Last month, Ogilvy Africa was named Agency network of the year at the African Cristal Festival, which rewards the best campaigns created and broadcast in the African continent. (Source : Capital Business)

Commenting upon the appointments, Paul O'Donnel, Chairman & CEO, Europe, Middle-East, and Africa, said: 'I'm very pleased to have these talented executives in these key roles, bringing us both continuity and a fresh perspective to vital parts of our business in the region. '

Toutes nos félicitations à Mathieu !

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