Tram Anh Nguyen (ISC Paris 2000) fait partie des 100 #WomeninFintech
Tram Anh est co-fondatrice du CFTE (global education platform for finance professionals and technologists). Elle intègre la communauté WomeninFintech de l'organisation 100 WomeninFinance qui accompagne le développement du leadership féminin dans le secteur de la finance.
"I am honoured to be included in 100 #WomeninFintech global list alongside so many brilliant #women. What a list! Thank you with good #education programmes, I support #women to thrive in the #Future of #Finance with @CFTE_Edu"
A propos de : 100WomeninFinance
A Vision0
100WF operates WW under a guiding 30×40 Vision in which women will occupy 30% of investment team and executive leadership roles by 2040.
A Mission to Realize our Vision
We are fully committed to empowering women working in the finance industry to achieve their professional potential at each career stage. Our vision requires that we additionally inspire, equip and advocate for a new generation of industry leadership, in which women and men serve as investment professionals and executives, equal in achievement and impact. Through our pillars of Education, Peer Engagement and Impact, we will further the progress of women who have chosen finance as a career, and enable their positive influence over pre-career young women.
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